Hey, it's me, Shreya!
This is a quick email to tell you that...
My SEVENTH ebook is out now!
I hope you enjoy reading this one!
Lots of love,
P.S. You are the first to know this - I shot a vlog about the process of writing this ebook... coming soon ;)
Agency Owner, Content Writer & Creator! I help you find more clients, make more money, and freelance successfully!
Hi Reader, It's been a while since I wrote to you... But tonight seemed like a good reason to write this email. Because I have a story to share with you. A story within a story, if you will: 2nd June. This was a very strange morning. I woke up just a few minutes before my 5:30 AM alarm (nothing unusual there), But what was unusual was that... I woke up with a sudden, deep understanding of the meaning behind a bedtime story I’d read when I was probably 6 years old. I hadn't thought of this...
Hey Reader, It's me, Shreya. If you follow me on Instagram, you must have seen my regular Stories about my workouts. The intention with these is not to give a "life update"Rather it is to show what routine and consistency look like. In fact, I go to the gym more often than my Stories show. There are many days when I don't share an update. All I hope for is that when I do share these updates, one person may get inspired to challenge their physical self and hit the gym. I am happy to say that...
Hey Reader, It's me, Shreya. Next Saturday, 24th September, is my 4th "LinkedIn Birthday." It's been four years since I put up my first post on LinkedIn... which went viral with 1.5M views, got me a few clients, and turned me from a no-income first year college student into a freelancer. At times it feels like these 4 years flew by too fast. At other times, I don't even remember what life was like before I started freelancing. I can't imagine living a day without thinking about emails,...