Hi Reader,
It's been a while since I wrote to you...
But tonight seemed like a good reason to write this email. Because I have a story to share with you.
A story within a story, if you will:
2nd June.
This was a very strange morning.
I woke up just a few minutes before my 5:30 AM alarm (nothing unusual there),
But what was unusual was that... I woke up with a sudden, deep understanding of the meaning behind a bedtime story I’d read when I was probably 6 years old.
I hadn't thought of this story in ages. In fact, I never even cared for the story back when I'd read it.
But that morning?
The entire story and its lesson became crystal clear in my mind within a fraction of a second:
As a kid I found this story to be so silly. I never understood why it was even approved for publishing in that storybook.
But now it makes sense:
Often times when we do something or achieve something, we think,
“If only I had done THIS sooner, before I had taken all those other failing steps, I would have been further along…”
But the thing is,
There’s a certain flow to things in life.
And you HAD TO go through that flow to get to where you are now. (And to get to where you eventually want to be.)
So rather than regretting how much time it took you to get somewhere,
And wishing you had eaten that “fifth idli” first,
Understand that you would never have felt full without having eaten the first 4 idlis.
You wouldn’t have reached here without first making those mistakes and experiencing those previous challenges and failures.
So don’t try to start with “idli #5”… it doesn’t exist.
Can you imagine waking up with ALL OF THIS in your head on a random Friday morning?! Told you it was strange!
But it also turned out to be the right time to have been reminded of this lesson...
Hoping you find this at just the 'right' time too :)
See you again soon,
Agency Owner, Content Writer & Creator! I help you find more clients, make more money, and freelance successfully!
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